Graph theory

LIst of Programs in Graph Theory :

  1. Wap to check whether a Graph contains parallel edges or not using Incident matrix.
  2. Wap to Count the number of odd degree vertices, number of even degree vertices and degree of each vertex and hence the total degree of a Graph using adjacent Matrix.
  3. Wap to check the presence of pendent edges in a Graph using Incident matrix.
  4. Wap to calculate the degree of each vertex and hence the total degree of a Graph using Incident Matrix.
  5. WAP to number of isolated vertices in a Graph
  6. Wap to check whether the Graph is Euler is not
  7. Wap to check the presence of pendent edges in a Graph using adjacent matrix.
  8. Wap to check the presence of self loop in a given Graph
  9. Wap to check whether Graph is connected or not using adjacent matrix multiplication.
  10. Wap to check whether Graph is connected or not by traversing a Graph
  11. Wap to find the number of triangle in the given Graph
  12. Wap to generate minimum spanning tree using Kruskal method.
  13. Wap to convert Incidence matrix to adjacency matrix
  14. Wap to convert adjacency matrix to Incidence matrix

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